safe weight loss

safe weight loss

♪♪♪ this is renita brannan. i'm a health pro. i've been a health pro for a long time. living the revolution, loving the revolution. helping others to live and love the revolution. and we're at accelerate and i am talking to this beautiful human being and his name is.

safe weight loss

safe weight loss, anselmo rodriguez, i go by chamo! chamo and he is such an awesome dancer, i don't know if you guys saw him earlier. he's an amazing, amazing health asset to our monavie family and our monavie team.

so what has the revolution done for you? chamo: first of all, i've got to tell you, i'm 75 years old. and when i started doing this thing, i thought i had it done right. when i got to st. louis and i tried to work out with mark, i was really bad off. i lost weight and i gained weight, a total of 28. but i gained some back so i came back and we're doing this twice a week in east lansing.

and i'm from haslett michigan. check this out! renita: look at this guy! look at this guy! this is incredible you guys. i mean he's doing the splits at this age. i don't even need to help up. so how many pounds have you lost? chamo: 28 total, but i gained some back. but i got to tell you this. you got to work this every day. tone those muscles. don't work to making muscle, work to building strength, burning that grease out of

your stomach and out of your body and drink those juices. they really, really help you. health is one of the best things we can fight for. i'll tell you, watching this lady, and mark work out is enough to encourage anyone to do something. renita: you're in incredible...look at you! you're such a blessing the way you can pop down to those splits. what would you say is the #1 key to tell everybody

to rock the revolution? what's the key? chamo: do it every day. drink it every day consistent. absolutely. and if people say you know, i'm so tired. listen, you're tired because you're not working out. get rid of that stuff in your body that's harming you, so work every day at it. little bit, but work every day. and it's a blessing. renita: it is a blessing. i want to say one thing. what i like that he said he said i drink the juice everyday too. what i love about the revolution

and the juice, when you consume the rvl products and the juice it's detoxifying. it gets rid of the sludge in the cells and it's nourishing. it nourishes your body with all the nutrients and it's nutrient variety with all the fruits and vegetables so you get all of it it's not wonder you're doing the splits because you're drink it is all! you do all the products, right? chamo: i do them all and none of them hurt me. as being a diabetic. hey listen... you diabetics out there, don't let anyone tell you that

there's something in this that's not good for you. everything that is in all of these products are so good for anyone especially use diabetics. renita: has it stabilized your blood glucose? chamo: absolutely, my doctor is very happy with me. if i can keep him happy and especially my wife. keep her happy! stabilize your sugar, get well and keep drinking this stuff and do the rvl every day! renita: awesome you guys! one more time on the splits, come on! let's see it!

*cheers* revolution!


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