diet definition

diet definition

think diet may help arthritis… you’reright! prudent diet reduces risk of radr. jack cush writing in rheum now reported on a study by lu et al from the brigham andwomen’s hospital and harvard medical school found that a typical western diet (a "bigmac" diet) may increase the risk of ra. using data from from the nhs ii survey, theyexamined 93,859 women (without ra) and their

diet definition, dietary patterns from 1991 to 2011. dietswere categorized as prudent (diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains,poultry and fish) or western diets (high in

diet definition

red and processed meat, refined grains, friedfood, high-fat dairy and sweets). with over 1.5 million patient-years of followupthey identified 626 incident cases of ra.

those with a prudent dietary pattern noteda reduced risk of ra. at the same time, those on a western dietwere at increased risk for ra.


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