running and weight loss

running and weight loss

in this video i'll show you how toaccess your user profile on your garmin forerunner 230 and adjust the heartrate zone well first thing we need to do is accessour menu so let's do that and we're going to scroll down to my stats andfrom here we can adjust items such as the recovery advisor we can turn that onand off for specified time, vo2max,

running and weight loss

running and weight loss, race predictor where we need to run for10 minutes with a heart rate strap to get some race time predictions we also have lists of records so your 5k 10k & half marathon times willbe stored here along with

fastest mile for example and of courseaccess to user profile- so here you can change your profile if you're pairedwith your smartphone this will download automaticallyhowever you can also adjust the heart rate zones from here and you can makesome adjustments to your maximum heart rate, resting heart rate and of coursethe zones themselves like the percentage it's based on either you're workingheart rate or the percentage off your max and from here you can also adjustyour zones and make some adjustments that way if you're doing a customizedprogram and if you want to reset everything to the default you can resetthe zones that way

so there you go how to access your userprofile and adjust your heart rate zones


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