weight loss guide

weight loss guide

how to get sponsored on youtube guaranteed! just a month ago i decided you know what i'm gonna get into sponsorships again. every sponsorship i tried to get i got approved for. i ended up making more than $10,000 in one month. now you're listening, let's go! think the way i think! how do i think? genuine reviews come from genuine people. genuine reviews don't come frompeople who just buy the stuff. i paid for this shirt with my

weight loss guide

weight loss guide, own money and it's not a sponsored video. you sound like a sucker, a dummy, an idiot, and a fool.because truth be told, you can buy the entire store if you want to. if i don't like you, i'm not going to like anything you you try to sell me and neither is your audience. payment, the way i work is i want a flat rate, commission, and a freeproduct or flat rate and a free product no, just the commission deal. no free product deal. do you know what they pay for it? do you know what their margins

are? i'll give you tons of free products to give to all your stupid youtube friends to do a review for free. every single company has marketing dollars and a marketing budgetyou are going to potentially make this company thousands, hundreds of thousands ormillions and for you not to see a percentage of the profits is beyond me. can wemove on? when you go to contact companies one of the first things peopleusually do is they tell the company all about who they are. the company doesn't care who i am andwhat i have done all they want to know is what can i do for them? if you focuson answering that question you will be picked for a sponsorship. so you been told to doyour research on companies. read their about us, their mission statement. don't you think all of your competing that is competing for

the same exact sponsorship is doing thesame thing? so why would you do the same thing they're doing i'm going to tell you what to really do nobody's gonna tellyou. the same way you look at gossip blogs and dig up dirt on kim kardashian is this you want to do yourresearch on the company light bulb moment! you want to figure out what is losingthat company money what messed up that company's brand image and you want to bethe solution the company got into a scandal about their buttons and aftertwo time when you push has decreased their sales drastically by doing thatyou rule that was just a room and a lot and help bring back in sales and that'swhat it is you cannot be the solution

you know that problem on to the nextstep which is even better than the last before we do if you really like that tipclick the like button and share lessons come up with a thousand and planningexecution and give it to them in a way where they can steal your idea but veryflexible with your idea and have multiple options to warn you deem themto work with the more changes and you know what i need to say to him i knowwhat they need i'm gonna be provided without you couldletters in ranked companies be more difficult than what about the entirevideo this video contact them and said you know whathappens

gonna do it unless they paid me and nowyou see there i have been very honest which is one of the best you couldpossibly use actually whom i have proof but guess what they paid me and everyone is going to pay me who wants me to talk about their product. period. at least then you now i stick to my word and i'm honest about what i say famebit offers sponsorships for youtube instagram twitter and vine gonna find it and even if you do battleoffer brand new sponsorship every single day and every single job or you canimagine if you're if you're just something general should trust me it'snews every day and i'm like 1215 every single day

you have at least 1,000 subscribers ifyou really really want to do it companies work on building in numbersbut you want to have a sick cuz you're going to the letter was often do youimpose a little absolute best shared with you course i'm gonna give you guys theoption to have one of the best proposal ever because it works on every singleperson that i submitted its gonna also give you for extrasolar click the linkbelow and you'll be able to get in contact with him and he changed it willgo up the letter below the link that says come up with a list of thecompanies that you absolutely love this

actually interested in and make sure yousend a proposal let you go through especially if you don't know legaleseand you want to avoid any kind of always under promise video for you 1080p do people will beattracted to you and want to use you when you take it to the next level underpromise and over deliver don't know what you're going to ask forhelp you figure this number out perfectly first thing you want to do is figure outyou get to meet their budget you want to think of what compensation is fair forthe results will provide it was going to

bring together if you were in thereshoes what which you a deal done lets you save the number you came up with is$1,000 perfect we're going to take that number and move on to the next verycrucial step to use absolutely not the first person to mention price losses youpossibly can train from mentioned in prices you must always go higher thanyou actually want it even more fame that you don't ask four thousand you alwaysask for a little bit and take my advice is very critical get you a nice letterand make them signed agreements in order to move forward if they don't sign anagreement don't do the deal thanks once again take care of the most important tothem on my channel is mostly geared

towards company contact me every day on a dailybasis with thousands of dollars in lost sales product weight loss pills alwaysfelt that i believe in that i like but iwould never do anything to hurt or harm anybody why my character my mind likehow to get sponsored on youtube back and that means i love you all so much don't forget to sign upfor this video do you feel more confident about contacting companies doyou think it would be a lot easier now do you think after everything we've donethings come along let me know what do you struggle with when it comes totrying to get money


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