apple cider vinegar kombucha recipe

apple cider vinegar kombucha recipe

- oh, i know what mine tastes like. you know right after youpuke when you're drunk, and you get, like residual-- - yes! - bile. - bile, like spicy alcohol. - yeah. - that's what this is. - but it's healthy for you, so what?

(gritty rock music) - do we shoot it? how are we supposed to do it? - wait, so when i put it in my mouth, you put it in your mouth? - i'm just gonna shoot it. - alright. - tastes like martinelli's. - shit wasn't that bad. it tastes amazing.

- this was at the bottom of mine. - so you got the fungus in this one? - am i gonna trip? am i gonna trip? - no, you didn't eat it. alright, let's do it. - yo, no! - wow, this smells rich. - this is like, alien guts!

- cheers, all right? go, boom. - oh, that's so, (gurgles) - i love it. - the texture's horrible! - i think the texture's fun as fuck! - that's fun! this reminds me of the medicine i used tohave when i was sick. - that usually isn't something

that people like the taste of. - well, it was the grape medicine. it was really good! (squealing) - it's super fun! - it is super fun. - imagine doing that with somebody, back and forth in their mouth. - you wanna try it?

- do it, do it! - i can't, i can't, i can't. i can't. - i woulda committed. i commit, i commit. (all singing) - kombucha! well, ours looks like gatorade, and kelsey's looks like pond water. - yeah, right? - slip it off my finger.

- ew! - oh. this tastes fantastic. - no! - somebody taste mine, and tell me it tastes like ya'lls. - mine's spicy. - it looks like somebody bottled a puddle. - it's like healthy soda. - like healthy soda.

- that you threw up. - yes. - it's like healthysoda that you threw up. - [all together] kombucha. - anybody smell toast? i smell toast.

apple cider vinegar kombucha recipe

apple cider vinegar kombucha recipe,- are you having a seizure? - oh my god! (laughter)

(logo creaking)


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