apple cider vinegar recipe chicken

apple cider vinegar recipe chicken

if you're looking fora fast, delicious, healthy weeknightmeal, you can't go wrong withpan seared chicken breast. and tonight i'm just gonna takeit to a different direction and do some panseared chicken breast with an applemaple gravy. so the first thingi'm gonna do is start by turningon my pan to medium high andi'm just gonna put

a tablespoon or so ofolive oil right in there and let that getnice and hot. and while that'sgetting hot i just have a couple of boneless, skinlesschicken breasts here that i'm gonna season withsome pan searing flour. just a light dusting, you can see i kind ofhold the container up over the topand i get a gooddistribution.

so that'sready to go. take a pair of tongs andi'm just gonna swirl the oil in the pan just to make surewe've got good coverage. and you see we're getting anice little faint smoke out of there. pick up my chicken breastsand they're gonna go right down into the oil. and we're just gonna let'em sit here for about maybe three orfour minutes. we want that nice sort of goldenpaper bag brown on that side.

now we're gonnatake it to the oven. alright so it's been about fourminutes, just gonna take a peek. and that's exactlywhat i'm looking for, is that paperbag brown. now i've got the ovenpre-heated to 350 degrees. gonna pop them in there forabout six or eight minutes, just till theyfinish cooking. make sure you havethe right type of pan. obviously we're goingin to the oven,

so you don't want to havea pan with a plastic handle. i'm gonna come back andcheck these in a few minutes. alright so i'm gonnacheck these. it's been abouteight minutes. got that greatsizzle, alright? and these are prettyclose to being done, i just want to add alittle bit more flavor before i checkthe temperature. so you know, we'veused basting oil an awful lot

in the past but we alsohave this shallot thyme butter, which is one of ourgreat finishing butters. it's got the samesort of flavors but obviously it's gota little butter in there. so it adds a different sort ofrichness than the basting oil. it's something i like touse an awful lot. so i'm just gonna put a coupleof tablespoons in the pan. same thing like we dowith the basting oil, i just want to go aheadand baste this chicken.

we're just adding alittle extra moisture and obviously we'readding flavor, you can see thosebits of thyme. and you just want to bastethis for a couple of minutes until that butter getsall nice and melted. properly cooked boneless, skinlesschicken breast is fantastic. so the whole key isjust to make sure that you're not dryingit out too much just becauseit's so lean.

alright so i just want togo ahead and make sure obviously that thisis up to temperature. it's boneless skinless chickenbreast so we're looking for 165 degrees. we're right where weneed to be which is great. so now with aclean pair of tongs i'm just gonna goahead and remove these, let these rest ona clean platter. i'm gonna discard what'sleft in the pan here.

'cause it's given all theflavor the the chicken breast that i'm looking for. and you're going to findthat there's a little bit of fond left in thepan and that's fine, that'll help buildour sauce. and at this point i'mgoing to add just a couple of tablespoons ofreal maple syrup. really good flavor,not overly sweet. and then what i want todo is i want to reduce this

and concentrate the flavor,so i'm just gonna let it simmer for about two minutes. so you can see the maplesyrup is nicely reduced, it's gotten a littlethick and syrupy, flavor's reallyconcentrated. this point i'm going toadd just a tablespoon of applecider vinegar. that's gonna counteractthat sweetness gonna thin it out and ijust wanna let those things

cook together for anothercouple minutes as well. these flavors have now hada chance to marry, it's great. you can see it'snice and thick, it's getting thosebig bubbles. and at this last point i'mjust gonna go ahead and add a whole pouchof chicken gravy. and all thosewonderful flavors, that nicesharp vinegar, that beautifulmaple syrup.

i just want to let theseflavors marry together for another coupleof minutes. i love you can see thosenice brown bits in the sauce. as soon as that comesup to a simmer, those flavors hada chance to marry, we're ready to go, ourchicken's already cooked. i'm just gonna go aheadand take it and spoon it right over these beautifulchicken breasts.

apple cider vinegar recipe chicken

apple cider vinegar recipe chicken,it couldn't be easier.

it's pan searedchicken breast with mapleapple gravy. try it at home, i knowyou're gonna love it.


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