apple cider vinegar lice recipe

apple cider vinegar lice recipe

how to get rid of wrinkles. a wrinkle basically is a crease or fold inthe skin. wrinkles usually appear on the skin as wegrow older. wrinkling of the skin is a natural aging process. as we age, our skin also ages and become thinner,drier and less flexible. when we are young, the skin has a naturalability to protect itself from damage. however, with the passing time, this naturalability of the skin reduces, and ultimately wrinkles appear on the skin. in this video i am going to show you best4 home remedies for wrinkles.

so click the subscribe button now for nextvideos. 1. coconut oil. coconut oil will give your skin a naturalglow and radiance. using it often will help to fade wrinklesand lines as coconut oil is moisturizing and hydrating for the skin. massage coconut oil under the eyes and otheraffected areas for a few minutes. use gentle circular motions. leave the oil on overnight.

repeat this every night before going to bed. 2. castor oil. apart from being an emollient, castor oilenhances the production of elastin and collagen in the skin. as a result of this, the wrinkles and finelines start to diminish and even disappear over time. use a cotton ball to apply castor oil on theaffected areas. do not rinse the oil.

keep it on overnight. do this every night for better result. 3. apple cider vinegar. the ph balancing property of apple cider vinegar,along with healing properties of honey, will make your skin glow with a youthful appearance. mix the vinegar and honey and apply this mixtureon your face and neck. leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. apply this twice a week. 4. honey. honey balances the skin�s ph and conditionsit to decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

apple cider vinegar lice recipe

apple cider vinegar lice recipe,apply honey on your skin and massage for aminute or so. leave it on for a half an hour and then rinsewith lukewarm water. you can also shred a small piece of gingerand add it to the honey for added benefits.

do this every day for healthy and youthfulskin.


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