apple cider vinegar lemonade recipe

apple cider vinegar lemonade recipe

- hi, i'm karen grete from scandinaviantoday. i'm going to make sauerkraut or, actually, it is the norwegian kind whichis called surkã¥l and in norway it's very popular to serve sauerkraut orsurkã¥l during the christmas holidays with other kinds of food, and ihappen to like surkã¥l a lot, so i'm going to make it. and hopefullyyou'll also enjoy it. i think it's delicious. so here we have all the ingredients for mynorwegian sauerkraut. i have two cups of apple cider vinegar, ihave about two and a half pound of white cabbage, i have two apples. i have threetablespoons of butter,

half a teaspoon of caraway seeds, twoteaspoons of salt and two tablespoons of sugar. so let's get started. i cut the cabbage in half and now i'mgoing to shred it. i'm also going to remove the stem. ok. but first i'm going to shred as much aspossible to get closer to the stem, then it's easier to remove the stem. so imelted the butter, and now i'm adding the shredded cabbage and while it's beginningto cook, i will shred the apples and i'll add the apples in a couple of minutes. so i put it at a low heat, and startshredding the apples. so here

you see the apples i included, and i nowadd the two teaspoons of salt, two tablespoons of sugar and i'm alsoadding the carroway seeds. and then stir it all up, and then i'mgoing to cook it for quite a long time. of course the cabbage is going tocollapse. right now, it's still a lot of it, but it'll get down there andyou know, you want to stir in between until the cabbage has collapsed. and iwill probably cook it for 1 1/2 to 2 hours til it's finished. put on the lid, and i'll be back. so the cabbage has collapsed a little bit,and i will now add all the vinegar.

i'll be back in about, oh, approximatelyone and a half hour. this should be fine. i'll put on the lid and i will check on itin about an hour and see how it looks. and the sauerkraut cooked for about anhour and of course, i'm going to taste it now, because i like it a lot. so here, i amtasting my norwegian surkã¥l or sauerkraut. mmm, i like it. i really likethe way they made it, and of course, i also grew up eating somesurkã¥l in denmark, and at the time when i lived in germany, iwas eating sauerkraut a lot. so i never get tired of it, and of courseit keeps really well in the refrigerator

apple cider vinegar lemonade recipe

apple cider vinegar lemonade recipe,so it's nice to have.

so i hope you also like sauerkraut orsurkã¥l, please subscribe to our channel. thank you so much forwatching, and skã¥l! and i'll see you another day, i hope.


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